Our policy is to ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable, that our activities are carried out safely and do not pose a risk to the health of our volunteers during the activities that they are undertaking on our behalf. This will be in accordance with good practice and any relevant statutory provisions where they apply. We have appointed a member of the Trustees (Jen Gale) to have specific responsibility for this policy and its implementation. We will keep health and safety matters under review at appropriate intervals. We will monitor the effectiveness of the policy, amending it where we believe it is no longer valid. We will try to ensure that everyone involved with the project plays his or her part in its implementation.
• Any accidents are investigated, recorded and reported if necessary
• Relevant health and safety documents and records are retained
• They keep up to date on health and safety matters relevant to the project
• They set a personal example on matters of health and safety.
• All volunteers are aware of their health and safety responsibilities
• Adequate precautions are taken as set out in this policy and related risk assessments
• Adequate information and training is provided for those that need it
• Any hazards or complaints are investigated and dealt with as soon as possible
• Where defects cannot be corrected immediately, interim steps are taken to prevent danger • All accidents are reported in-line with the requirements of this policy.
• Advice is sought where clarification is necessary on the implementation of this policy
• If required, specialist health and safety assistance is obtained
• Any hazards reported to them are rectified immediately or reported immediately to the site team.
• Read this policy and understand what is required of them
• Complete their work taking any necessary precautions to protect themselves and others
• Comply with any safety rules, operating instructions and other working procedures
• Report any hazard, defect or damage, so that this might be dealt with
• Warn any new visitors or volunteers of known hazards
• Attend any training required to enable them to carry out their duties safely
• Do not undertake any repair or modification unless they are competent to do so.
• Report any accident
• Do not misuse anything provided in the interests of health and safety
We will complete risk assessments to identify what we need to do to comply with health and safety law. We will record our findings, implementing any necessary precautions. We will review and revise these where we suspect that they are no longer valid.
We will provide any necessary information and training for our volunteers in a timely manner. We will keep a record of what is provided.
We will provide adequate first aid facilities including – as a minimum – a suitably stocked first aid box and a person who will take charge of the first aid arrangements.
We will ensure any accidents are reported in the venue’s accident book. We will report to the enforcing authority and keep records of certain accidents to volunteers and members of the public in accordance with the Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations.
We will avoid the need for lifting or carrying heavy objects as far as is possible. Where this is not practical, we will make use of lifting aids (such as trolleys) or other precautions including team lifting.
We will ensure that on preparing food, we use a clean and disinfected work surface, utensils and equipment. We will abide by the Woodley Lunch Bunch Food Preparation Rules. We will store food in such a way as to avoid contamination, provide hand-washing facilities and suitable arrangements for the disposal of waste. At least one volunteer who has carried out Level 2 Food hygiene training should be present during food preparation (Jen Gale/Julie Smith).
We will implement suitable precautions to prevent slips or trips, taking account of any difficulty any person may have in negotiating access. We will perform a dynamic risk assessment before the start of every session to ensure that floors, coverings, steps and pathways remain in good condition, free from obstruction and that any precautions (such as, handrails or lighting) remain adequate. We will report any defects identified, keeping records of the reports we make. We will have arrangements in place to manage pathways in winter weather.